From the brand

The New York Doll Collection
As an independent Doll company, creating Dolls and Doll Products is our only business, and we are proud of our growing reputation as an expert in our industry. It is important for us that our products are noted for outstanding quality, design, and affordability.
They are your best friend. They share your secrets and spark your imagination. They inspire hours of play and create cherished childhood memories. That’s why we are dedicated to bringing you the biggest selection of dolls and accessories, to create memories that will last a lifetime.
Suzan C.Suzan C. –
It didn’t come in a box, which isn’t that big of a deal unless you wanted to wrap it in the box. It was very easy to assemble. And the perfect height for my 2 year old great granddaughter. When she opened it she immediately said doll, so we put the 15” doll we got her for a Christmas in it and she put all of the accessories that came with the doll in the back basket and took her fit a walk. It is absolutely the perfect size for a 2 year old and very sturdy. I like that it won’t fold up on her. I’m very happy with this as is she.
Tara –
This stroller is adorable with all the bells and whistles of an actual full size stroller. Very easy to open and fold but sturdy when open. I am positive my granddaughter is going to love it. Amazon failed on the packaging for me though. Opened Amazon packed box and stroller was just loose in the box. Completely outside it’s original packaging but still needing two legs/wheels assembled. This was obviously a return as original packaging was just a large clear bag ripped open from the Cardboard Hanging tab at the top. I inspected and nothing was wrong with the stroller so I’m fine with it and will just present it open and assembled with a bow. I would not say it’s giftable the way it comes packaged anyway, looks cheap so I probably would have presented the same even if it wasn’t open already.
PeanutPeanut –
Perfect size for a 2 to 4 year old. My niece loved it! Good quality and vary cute.
Diana –
I got this stroller when my daughter was 14 months old. It says 2 years and up but she was so obsessed with her baby doll and playing pretend with it (feeding it, putting it to sleep, etc.) that I thought I’d give this a try, too. She loved it instantly! She loves riding in her own stroller, and loved the parallel. She could put the doll in and out easily (hers is a 11″ baby doll). At first she could only push it in a straight line, and I had to go and turn corners for her, but at 18 months now she has gotten so good at it that she can stir it and turn it with just one hand! She can even maneuver it between the couch and the coffee table, which is a space just as wide as the stroller itself. So I wouldn’t trust the “2 years and up” recommendation too much. Much younger kids can definitely enjoy this stroller, too!The construction of it is good and it feels sturdy. I LOVE that it’s not pink!!!! I’m sick of everything remotely girl-oriented being pink (and who says strollers are only for girls anyway!) It still has a pink heart on it, but I can live with that. The wheels don’t turn, but that hasn’t been a problem. My daughter loves the sun shade and putting things in the basket.There are only two things I don’t like about the stroller, but they’re pretty minor. One is that it rolls too easily on hardwood and tile, and it’s easy to tip it backwards if the kid pushes down on the handle. So we’re having the occasional tumble, but she’s learning to be careful. Maybe if the wheels had a better grip, or needed more of a push to roll, the stroller wouldn’t fly out as easily… This is most noticeable when the toddler is trying to put the doll in when the stroller is on a hardwood floor. It rolls away at the slightest touch, so the poor kid ends up chasing it with the doll until it stops at a wall. Or I have to hold it until she puts the doll in.The second annoying thing is the harness. It’s made to look like a real harness that goes between the legs and around the waist of the doll, which is great, but it doesn’t have any kind of workable buckle, snap, velcro or anything like that. It has a ring type of thing, and you thread the straps through it – something no kid of this age can possibly do. Maybe the older toddlers can manage it, but even for me it’s frustrating. They could’ve used velcro or something else that’s easy. I’ll have to replace the ring with something else. My daughter could snap the buckle on her own stroller (with great enjoyment) at the time I got her this one, and was very frustrated that she couldn’t fasten her doll in. Could be an easy solution that would add to the awesomeness of this toy, I hope the manufacturer considers it!
Andrea –
My daughter loves this little stroller! It is light and easy to fold, but durable enough to handle a busy toddler. It pushes very easily in all directions and has held up so far to daily use on multiple surfaces. I was pleasantly surprised given the price that this is such high quality!
Kaila –
My daughter loved this as her Easter gift. Perfect size for a 1 year old and was super easy to assemble. Pretty sturdy too.
bowen –
Bought for my 2 yr old granddaughter n she plays with it every day. Best gift I think I bought for her.
Christian –
My daughter is turning 3. When she opened this she absolutely LOVED it! She has been pushing her babydoll around since getting it. It’s easy to pop up and we’ve had 0 issues with this stroller. She has taken it on bumpy asphalt & it held up just fine.
A.T –
We got this March’22, the easter bunny brought it for my daughter. it’s now March’24 and i’m about to order another. My kids ride in it 24/7, including my 50lb almost 6 year old. It is starting to tear a little, and the wheels aren’t as straight – but it’s held up so good for the price and the fact my kids have used it with each other more frequently than putting babies in it lol.
VL –
This is so fun for my 18 month old (big for her age – height/weight of 2 year old). She is pretty rough with it and it has held up well (ramming into walls, flipping it over, etc.). She loves fitting multiple stuffies in the seat and pulling the sun shade down. And the basket underneath is pretty roomy. Easy and quick to assemble.